If you are 16 years or older, please consider donating blood to the American Red Cross on Monday, February 27th! Sign-ups will be available at Ms. La Belle's office on Monday, February 13th! If you are 16 years of age, you will need to pick up a parent permission form. You can download and print the blood donor interest, which is found under the "Blood Drive" tab. Ms. La Belle and Ms. Leonetti will be accepting forms. You will receive an appointment card in D-Block on the morning of the 27th.

If you are still interested in being involved in the Drive and are actively involved in Key Club, please volunteer! If you can fill out the volunteer interest form under the "Blood Drive" tab, it would be much appreciated. We especially need students to hand out appointment cards at D-Block on the 27th. Even if you are donating blood, please consider volunteering during D-Block (or at the Blood Drive if you are an active Key Club) and supporting this worthy cause.